고혈압·당뇨 환자의 다중 건강위해행태가 복약순응도에 미치는 영향
Influence of Multiple Health Risk Behaviors of Hypertension / Diabetes Patients on Drug Adherence
- 한국보건사회약료경영학회
- 한국보건사회약료경영학회지
- 제7권 제2호
- 2019.11
- 75 - 85 (11 pages)
BACKGROUND Chronic diseases including diabetes and hypertension are well managed with medication therapy which prevent complication and increase the quality of life of patients. Also most of chronic diseases are managed through smoking cessation, continuous exercises weight control, and diet. OBJECTIVE This study investigate the relationship between multiple health risk behaviors of hypertention and/or diabetes patients and drug adherence. METHODS We used the 2011 Korean Health Panel (KHP) beta version data and hire logistic regression analysis to explore the relationship between multiple health risk behaviors of hypertention and/or diabetes patients and drug adherence. RESULTS The number of chronic disease patients including hypertention and/or diabetes were increasing during last 4 years. Drug adherence rate which are measured with self answered subjective response is about 85% in 2011. But, drug adherence which are measured with the Morisky Scale is as low as 73%. Patients who do not drink are more likely to have high rate of drug adherence. Patients who are practicing exercise are more likely to have high rate of drug adherence. CONCLUSION Health risk behaviors such as drinking and practicing exercise are found as important factors of drug adherence. To decrease the medical expenditures and to increase the quality of life of chronic patient, health authorities and health insurance should make endeavor to improve the health risk behaviors of chronic disease patients.
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