Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Bibliometrics Analysis
- 서울대학교 교육종합연구원
- The SNU Journal of Education Research
- Vol.30, No.2
- : KCI등재
- 2021.06
- 65 - 84 (20 pages)
With the coming of the era of intelligence, the integration and innovation of artificial intelligence and education has become an essential trend for future educational reform. In this paper, a bibliometrics analysis of 288 academic publications between 2000 and 2020 was carried out to provide a systemic and objective overview of research in this field by visualizing collaboration network and performing keyword analysis. The results show that the number of publications in this field has increased rapidly since 2016. The most productive countries are the United States, China and some European countries like England and Spain. However, a complete and close collaboration network of institutions or authors has not yet been formed. Three themes are synthesized by analyzing the related keywords: (1). diverse artificial intelligence technologies; (2). intelligent tutoring system to support student learning; and (3). educational data mining and learning analytics. The findings also show that research on intelligent tutoring systems to support student learning has long been a focus of this field, whereas data science is a relatively new research trend.
I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
III. Method
IV. Results
V. Conclusions