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KCI등재 학술저널

사회과 토론수업의 비판적 사고력 신장 효과에 대한 교사의 인식 연구

A Study on Teachers Perceptions on the Effects of Social Studies Debate Class on Improving Critical Thinking

DOI : 10.18230/tjye.2021.29.4.107
  • 87

207명의 교사를 대상으로 사회과 토론수업의 비판적 사고력 신장 효과에 대한 인식을 조사하였다. 응답자 모두 토론수업이 비판적 사고 향상에 긍정적 효과를 준다고 응답하였다. 특히 토론수업 유경험 교사가 무경험 교사보다, 중등 교사가 초등 교사보다 더 긍정적으로 평가하였다. 비판적 사고의 세 하위 차원(사실, 논리, 관점) 모두 토론수업의 효과가 크다고 응답하였다. 첫째, 사실 차원에서는 중등 교사가 초등 교사보다 긍정적으로 평가하였다. 세부영역에서는 ‘사실과 가치의 구분’과 ‘신뢰’에서는 중등 교사가 초등 교사보다, ‘편견 확인’에서는 토론수업 유경험 교사가 무경험 교사보다 비판적 사고 향상 효과가 크다고 응답했다. 둘째, 논리 차원에서는 토론수업 유경험 교사가 무경험 교사보다 더 긍정적으로 평가하였다. 세부영역에서는 ‘명료성’에서 중등 교사가 초등 교사보다, ‘타당성’에서는 토론수업 유경험 교사가 무경험 교사보다 비판적 사고 향상 효과가 크다고 응답했다. 셋째, 관점 차원에서는 토론수업 유경험 교사가 무경험 교사보다, 증등 교사가 초등 교사보다, 저경력 교사가 고경력 교사보다 비판적 사고 향상 효과가 크다고 응답하였다. 세부영역에서는 ‘가정 확인’에서 중등 교사가 초등 교사보다, ‘관점 확인’에서는 토론수업 유경험 교사가 무경험 교사보다, 증등 교사가 초등교사보다, 저경력 교사가 고경력 교사보다 비판적 사고 향상에 효과가 크다고 응답하였다.

This study was conducted on 207 teachers regarding their perception of the effectiveness of social studies debate classes on improving the critical thinking ability of students. All of the respondents answered that the debate class had a positive effect on improving critical thinking. In particular, teachers with experience in debate classes evaluated the calsses more positively than teachers without experience, and teachers of secondary schools more positively than teachers of elementary schools. The effect of the debate class was great on all three sub-dimensions of critical thinking (fact, logic, point of view). First, in terms of facts, secondary teachers evaluated more positively than elementary teachers. In the sub-domains, secondary school teachers answered that in distinguishing facts and values and trust , the effect of improving critical thinking was greater than that of elementary school teachers, and in prejudice confirmation , teachers with experience in debate classes were more effective in improving critical thinking than teachers without experience. Second, in terms of logic, teachers with experience in debate classes evaluated more positively than teachers without experience. In the sub-domains, secondary school teachers responded that the effect of improving critical thinking was greater than that of elementary teachers in clarification’ and teachers with experience in debate classes evaluated more positively than teachers without experience in validity . Third, in terms of perspective, teachers with experience in debate classes responded that the effect of improving critical thinking was greater than that of inexperienced teachers, secondary teachers than elementary teachers, and low-career teachers than high-career teachers. In the sub-domains, secondary school teachers evaluated more positively than elementary school teachers on improving critical thinking in assumption confirmation and teachers with experience in debate classes answered that they were more effective in improving critical thinking than inexperienced teachers, secondary teachers than elementary teachers, and low-career teachers more than high-career teachers in viewpoint confirmation .

Ⅰ. 문제제기

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 선행연구

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 분석

Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론

