최근 검색어 전체 삭제

조선후기 거북선의 종류와 특징

Types and Characteristics of Turtle Ships in the late Chosun Dynasty

  • 368

1633년에 작성된『경기수사 해유문서』의 거북선에는 상장과 하장이 존재했으므로 당시 거북선의 내부 구조는 3층이 분명하며, 포혈차철이 33개였던 것을 볼 때 판옥선에 비등한 수준의 무장을 하고 있었던 것으로 보인다. 1795년에 작성된『이충무공전서』에는 통제영과 전라좌수영 거북선 등 두 종류의 거북선이 수록되어 있다. 이 두 거북선은 포혈의 수치, 귀두(용두)의 형상과 기능 등에서 임진왜란 당시의 거북선과 다른 점이 있다. 두 거북선은 내부 구조에서도 차이가 있었을 가능성이 있으며, 각각 준3층구조, 3층구조의 거북선일 가능성이 있다. 같은 시기에 지역별로 다른 형태의 거북선을 사용한 이유는 거북선이 애당초 중앙 조정에서 개발한 군선이라기보다는 이순신 개인이 주도하여 제작하였기 때문에 제도적 기준이 상대적으로 명확하지 않았던 것과 관련이 있는 것으로 보인다. 또 조선후기 지역별 화약무기 운용양상의 차이와도 연결고리가 있는 것으로 보이지만 추가 연구가 필요하다. 조선후기에 거북선의 포혈(砲穴) 개수가 증가하는 현상이 식별된다. 이는 화력의 증대나 조총의 비중 증가로 해석할 여지가 있으나, 포혈의 개수와 화포 실제 탑재량이 항상 일치하는 것은 아니므로 의미를 부여하려면 추가 연구가 필요하다. 이순신 종가 그림에 보이는 거북선은 장대(將臺)가 있다는 점에서『이충무공전서』의 거북선과 다르다. 이 거북선은 장대를 개판 외부에 노출시키고 있다는 점에서 전통적인 거북선 설계 철학에서 이탈하고 있다. 이는 실전에서의 필요보다는 기동과 입출항, 조련 등 평시 운용과 훈련 때의 편리함을 위해 고안된 구조로 보인다.

The turtle ship in Gyeonggi Province in 1633 was a three-storey ship with two decks above and below. but whether the turtle ship at that time was a semithree- storey structure or a complete three-storey structure is still unknown. At that time, the number of Gun port(砲穴) in the turtle ship is unknown, but considering that there were 33 Gun Port Cover, it can be inferred that they were armed with a level comparable to that of the Pan-ok Ship(板屋船). 『Yi-Chungmugong-Jeonseo(李忠武公全書)』written in 1795 contains two types of turtle ships at the same time. This is a clear example showing that not only the turtle ship changed with the times, but also different types of turtle ships were used at the same time. One is Tongjeyeong(統制營) Type Turtle ship. Another one is the Jeolla Jwasuyeong(全羅左水營) Type Turtle Ship. It is not clear when the two types of turtle ships were used. The two types of turtle ships are not only different from each other, but also different from those of the Imjin War. The two types of Turtle Ship differed not only in the external morphological elements, but also in the internal structure, and there is a possibility that they may have a semi-threestorey structure and a complete three-storey structure. The reason why different turtle ships were used in different regions at the same time requires further research in the future, but it is related to the fact that the institutional standards were not clear because the turtle ship was produced by Yi Sun-sin personally, rather than by the central control. there seems to be At the same time, it seems that there is a connection in context with the fact that the method of organizing soldiers aboard a military ship differs by region in the late Chosun Dynasty. In other words, it may have a certain relationship with various alternatives to the way gunpowder weapons were operated on the Turtle Ship. However, a more multifaceted review is needed in the future for the specific correlation. It is not easy to give a certain meaning to the change direction of the turtle ship from the 17th century to the 18th century but the increase in the number of Gun port(砲穴). This can be interpreted as an increase in fire power, but since the number of Gun Port and the actual Gun payload do not necessarily match, additional research is needed to give a certain meaning to this change. An important difference between the Turtle Ship Painting Preserved in the Head Family of Admiral Yi Sun-sin and other turtle ships is that it has a external Commandig Tower(將臺) or Bridge. The design philosophy of the turtle ship is to cover both combatants and non-combatants inside the ship. Apparently, the picture of the turtle ship preserved in the Head Family of Admiral Yi Sun-sin has the a external Commandig Tower exposed outside the Cover Plate. Apparently, the picture of the turtle ship preserved in the Head family of Admiral Yi Sun-sin deviated from the design philosophy of the turtle ship. This seems to be a structure designed for convenience during normal operation and training, such as Naval maneuvering, entering and leaving ports, and training, rather than the necessity for actual battle.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 문헌자료로 본 조선후기의 거북선

Ⅲ. 회회자료로 본 조선후기의 거북선

Ⅳ. 맺음말
