스마트제조 인력양성에 대한 제언
Examining the Effects of Job Roles in Small and Medium Business Corporation on Smart Manufacturing Employee Training
- 한국IT서비스학회
- 한국IT서비스학회지
- 한국IT서비스학회지 제20권 제3호
- : KCI등재
- 2021.06
- 13 - 25 (13 pages)
The article presents the results of how employee s hierarchical job roles differently recognize a SM(smart manufacturing) and evaluate comprehensively on the SM employees training. The research was focus on small and medium size manufacturing corporation in Banwol·Siwha industrial complex, where is carried out Smart Complex National Policy. The Results from 205 participants working for a manufacturing firms in the Banwol·Siwha industrial complex. The results of study show that managers (vs workers) group is higher recognition of smart manufacturing and more intention to participate a SM employee training and utilize a SM equipments for test a manufacturing process. and these variables were mediated by SM cognition. These results will help SM manpower training center strategically design their training programs to maximize the training effectiveness.
1. 서 론
2. 연구의 배경
3. 연구방법론
4. 분석결과