최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

근세시대 재해 속 서벌턴 피해자

On the Subaltern Victims of Disasters in Early Modern Japan: Focussing on the Collapse of the Eitai Bridge in 1807

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..93.014
  • 24

本論文は、1807年8月19日、江戸で起きた永代橋崩落事件とそれに巻き込まれた被害者に注目したものである。この日は、富岡八幡宮の八幡祭が13年ぶりに開かれる日であり、早朝からたくさんの人々が永代橋を渡って深川へ向かった。朝の10時、殺到した人々に耐えられず、永代橋は崩落し、膨大は犠牲者を産み出した。 當時、事件を目の當たりにした大田南畝、山東京伝、曲亭馬琴などの江戸の文人が書き残した書物を分析した結果、①橋の管理がきちんとできていなかったこと、②一橋家の船が永代橋の下を通るまで橋は通行止めになっていたことが崩壊の原因であったことが明らかになった。 また、大田南畝が書いた『夢の浮橋』から、崩壊事件の被害者のうち、サバルタンといえる人々の話を取り上げ紹介した。當時のサバルタンに対する認識と新たな問題意識を考えることができた。

This article analyses the Collapse of the Eitai Bridge in Edo, which took place on the 19th of August in 1807, and the victims of this disaster. On this date, the Hachiman festival of Tomioka Hachimangu was open to the public for the first time in 13 years, and a number of people went to Fukagawa through the Eitai Bridge in the early morning. At 10am, the bridge could not accommodate this large number of people, and it collapsed; there were a great number of victims of this disaster. At that time, there were many literati who witnessed this disaster, including Nanpo Ota, Kyoden Santo, and Bakin Kyokute. The analysis of books written by these literati reveals two causes of the disaster: (i) the bridge was not sufficiently maintained; (ii) the bridge had been closed until the boat of Hitotsubashi passed under it. Also, the present study analyses The Floating Bridge of Dream, written by Nanpo Ota, taking a particular look at the stories of the victims of the disaster, especially those who were regarded as “subaltern.” This analysis reveals the recognition of subaltern by the people of the time and raises new questions.

1. 머리말

2. 에이타이바시(永代橋) 붕괴 사건의 전말

3. 에이타이바시(永代橋) 붕괴 원인

4. 에이타이바시(永代橋) 붕괴 사건의 피해자: 오타 난포의 『유메노 우키하시』를 통해서

5. 맺음말
