최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Research on the Citation of the Classic Books in Lishan’s Annotations of Wenxuan

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.75.75.20
  • 5


Lishan’s Annotations of Wenxuan play a significant role in the history of the study of Wenxuan, which is famous for its meticulous annotation, rigorous systems and extensive citation. Because Lishan lived in an early era, the abundant citations in the annotations can preserve a large number of the missed books and early appearances of existing books, which are of great value for the classic books s compilation and collation. On the basis of previous researches, this paper uses the methods of collation, analysis and induction to sort out the relevant citations of the classic books from Lishan s annoations. This paper adopts the structure of four parts, summarizes the specific style of Lishan’s citations and carries out an overall evaluation on the academic value. Firstly, Lishan had both widely cited and repeatedly cited the annotations for the same word in different works in Wenxuan. Secondly, when Lishan had a tendency to refer to the original texts of classic books but does not change the original appearances according to the Wenxuan’s work. Thirdly, most of the citations of classic books by Lishan are probably from the single editions that were widely circulated at that time. Fourth, Lishan mainly used the classic books to comment the works in Wenxuan. In this way, classic books can be study at the same time while reading literary works, which plays a certain role in enhancing the value of literary works in Wenxuan.

1. 廣徵博引與重複引用

2. 是否依據正文而改字的問題

3. 是否引自類書的問題

4. 善注的價值和意義

5. 結論
