최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


After the Covid-19 a Brief Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures of International Chinese Online Teaching in China

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.75.75.17
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The outbreak of the epidemic on an international scale has brought severe challenges to the Chinese language education of various universities. Both teachers and students have brought new challenges. In order to adapt to the new educational environment, teachers in major colleges and universities adjust their teaching concepts and teaching plans. Especially for international Chinese language education, it faces unprecedented challenges. International Chinese language education was affected by the epidemic and changed the traditional education model, opening a new model of online education. With the advantage of using abundant network resources, online education has highlighted its new breakthroughs, and has gradually highlighted some of the shortcomings of online education. Spoken language and pronunciation, which are particularly important in Chinese education, are affected by issues such as online education that restricts certain communication and timely feedback from students. Aiming at the problems of international Chinese online education, this article analyzes one by one and proposes corresponding solutions. Different from the online teaching of traditional subjects, In the special course of language education, certain online courses of Chinese education need to be improved.

1. 绪论

2. 国际汉语网络教学的特点

3. 中国国际汉语网络教学出现的问题

4. 完善国际汉语网络教学的建议

5. 结语
