최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


On the Syntactic Function and Semantic Orientation of “Ba+O+V”

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.75.75.8
  • 6


This paper makes a detailed description and analysis of the syntactic function and semantic orientation of “Ba+O+V”, and draws the following conclusions: a. “Ba+O+V” has various syntactic functions. Besides being a predicate to form the Ba Sentence, it can also be a subject, an object, a prepositional object, an attribute, a complement, etc. In addition, it can also form the De phrase with De, and form the location phrase with some location words. It presents different structural features in different syntactic positions. b. “Ba+O+V” is the most free when it acts as predicate, and is more or less limited in structure when it is used as other syntactic components,so the frequency of it in different syntactic positions is different. c. Because “Ba+O+V” can appear in different syntactic positions in the sentence, it can be semantically related to different components in the sentence,showing the diversity of its semantic direction. d. In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, we can’t just limit ourselves to the teaching of Ba sentence with “Ba+O+V” as the predicate. In order to improve students’ overall understanding of the function of “Ba+O+V”, we should also pay attention to the explanation of the usage of it in the non predicate position, so as to effectively improve their practical application ability.





