최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Study on the Relationship among Marriage, Family and Economy — A Case Study of “Grandma’s Bringing up Baby” in Tianjin

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.3.1.167
  • 10

Marriage is the premise of family, and family is the inevitable outcome of marriage. In modern society, although children’s status in nuclear family has weakened, they still occupy a vital position in traditional mainstream culture. Children’s education is also an important topic concerning the future of family and the prosperity of the country. In the process of marriage, family and early childhood education, economic factors have become an indispensable influencing condition in family life, which has both promoting and reactive effects. This article is based on Tianjin’s “grandma’s bringing up baby” (It is a colloquial language in Tianjin that specifically refers to a phenomenon in which children born to men and women are taken care of and educated by the woman s mother in a marriage and family.) Taking the phenomenon as an example, from the perspective of cultural anthropology, this paper studies the changes of local culture and marriage and family concepts in Tianjin, and reveals that the relationship between family members in the new economic environment of China’s rapid economic development breaks the original family relationship and establishes the new family relationship due to economic and cultural factors.

1. The Changes in Family Structure Brought About by Globalization

2. The Phenomenon of “Grandma’s Bringing up Baby” and Tianjin Local Culture

3. The Analysis of the Forming Factors of the Phenomenon of “Grandma’s Bringing up Baby”

4. Conclusion

5. References
