최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

대학민주화운동 1‧8항쟁의 고찰과 의의

Observation of 1‧8 Resistance as a University Democratization Movement and Its Meaning

  • 8

1‧8 Resistance, happening in Chosun University in Gwangju for the 113 days up to 8 January, 1988, is regarded as a representative university democratization movement in Korea. This paper aims to observe the background, the process, and the result of 1‧8 Resistance and discuss the meaning and value of the time. I introduce the anti-democratic acts that President Park Cheolwoong of Chosun University of the time as a background of this accident and then its process based on the historical record of 50 years of Chosun University. The conclusion evaluates the meaning of 1‧8 Resistance and emphasizes its continuous value beyond a mere accident taking place 32 years ago, which teaches that a private university should not belong to a certain foundation, but the whole body of professors, personnel, students, and citizens.

Ⅰ. 서론: 조선대학교 1‧8항쟁에 대한 논제 제시

Ⅱ. 박철웅 총장의 1980년 전반기 반민주적인 전횡

Ⅲ. 1980년대 후반 1‧8항쟁의 발단과 경과

Ⅳ. 결론: 1‧8항쟁의 결과와 의의
