최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

민립대학과 대학민주화운동의 효시로서 4‧19혁명 시기 조선대학교 역사 연구

A Study on the History of Chosun University in the Period of 4‧19 Revolution as the Beginning of the University Founded by People and University Democratization Movement

  • 11

This paper illuminates that Chosun University is the beginning of the university founded by people succeeding to the movement of such a kind of educational institute in the era of the Japanese colonization and its democratization movement is the first one in the Korean university history. I observe the process of establishing Chosun University based on the preceding research and then introduce the historical material of the development after the Korean War and the democratization movement in the university related to the late President Park Cheolwoong depending on Chosun University s History of 50 years. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the history of the university around the period of the 4‧19 Revolution means pure nationalism and democracy. It is expected that the two ideologies are the primary lesson that should be taught to the descendants.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 해방 후 민립대학 효시로서 조선대학교 설립

Ⅲ. 한국전쟁 후 조선대학교 발전사

Ⅳ. 4‧19혁명에 즈음한 최초 대학민주화운동

Ⅴ. 결론
