최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

5·18과 부마항쟁의 진상규명 연대 방안 토론회를 통한 민주시민교육 고찰

Observation of One Democratic Civic Education by the Open Forum for the Cooperating Strategies of the Truth Ascertainment of 5 18 and Buma Strife

  • 73

The institute of Democracy and Peace of Chosun University held a symposium and an open forum about how to work out the cooperation strategies for the truth ascertainment of 5 18 democratization movement and Buma democratic strife. This paper introduces and evaluates the details of the two events happening continuously, suggesting an example to clarify the target and range of such an education event. The second chapter writes the presenter of Buma affair and his discussant, and the third is about 5 18. The fourth studies the preparation, the duration, and the result of the debating event with panelists and college students, drawing the implications shown in going ahead the event. This writing deserves to be meaningful in that the event is planned to investigate what the purpose and the range of the democratic civic education are by blending one of experts debates and a free-for-all event.

Ⅰ. 서론: 민주시민교육 행사의 개요와 함께

Ⅱ. 부마항쟁 진상규명 노력과 연대의 필요성과 과제

Ⅲ. 5·18항쟁 진상규명 노력과 연대의 필요성과 과제

Ⅳ. 결론: 민주시민교육 행사의 여운을 남기고
