최근 검색어 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

한국의 의문사 현황과 해결 방안

Current Situation of the Korean Suspicious Deaths and Solution Plans: Seeking for the Political Sociological Solutions for the Liquidation of the Past

The Liquidation of the past related to state violence is a matter of a comprehensive and multi-layered structure that is closely related to whole life. Therefore, liquidation of the past should not be limited at the political level. The method should be expanded to the fundamental reflection on institutions, social order and culture. We should induce perpetrators to disclose the truth and establish an official organization that righteously judges the confession. Furthermore, the process of embracing fault of perpetrators and regaining the honor of the victim is the process of establishing a future community. The research goes with the state violence and suspicious deaths, the acitivities of Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths and its result, and three ways to find solutions for them―systematic one, truth telling, remembrance war. This aspect is a step toward tolerance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and even truth beyond legal truth.
