This paper aims to discuss the necessity of the enforced international pacifism after observing the historical facts around Dunkirk and Leningrad evacuation in the Second World War through seeing the film Dunkirk by Nolan and Saving Leningrad by Kozlov. The two movies are not intended to give the audience interesting scenes or action-suspense but the historical lesson that war can be avoided by people s cooperation based on humanitarianism, not by a strong nation. The second chapter makes an estimation of Operation Dunkirk from the historical view and emphasizes the necessity of the international pacifism. The third chapter introduces Operation Barbarossa and discusses the film Saving Leningrad from the idealistic angle of the international relations. I conclude that the historic facts from the tragedies teaches us that the real peaceful order among the many nations should be obtained merely by the enforced international pacifism, Hitler s paradoxical lesson.
Ⅰ. 제2차 세계대전으로 들어가며
Ⅱ. 덩케르크 철수 작전에서 국제평화주의로
Ⅲ. 독소전쟁과 <레닌그라드 구하기>에서 강제적 국제평화주의 필요성 찾기
Ⅳ. 제2차 세계대전에서 냉전 이후로