This paper aims to provide the controversial issues against the 511 countermeasure force of the Korean Ministry of National Defense, which was enacted to protect the military coup d etat by Jeon Doowhan and his faction. During the 39-year-long period of the truth ascertainment of 5ㆍ18 democratization movement, the skewed documents of the 511 force has obstructed the fact finding attempt by insisting on the right of self-defense for the answer of the excessive use of the miliary force during the 5ㆍ18 period. However, from the angle of UNHRC(United Nations Human Rights Council), the violation of human rights in 5ㆍ18, revealed by the new efforts to get to the bottom of the incident, can suppress the unreasonable attempt by justifying the old right of self-defense.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 5ㆍ18 진상규명 노력의 내용과 한계
Ⅲ. 5ㆍ18 왜곡의 결정판 511 대책반 활동
Ⅳ. UNHRC 관점에서 본 주요쟁점
Ⅴ. 결론