최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

5ㆍ18 성폭력행위에 대한 궐석재판 이용 가능성 고찰

A Study of the Possibility to Use the Judgment by Default to the 5ㆍ18 Sexual Assault

This paper aims to study the possibility to use the judgment by default to the incidents of 5ㆍ18 sexual assault as an alternative of the truth ascertainment. 5ㆍ18 is still considered as a hot potato that comes to the unreasonable separation of the ideology in Korea between conservative and progressive forces. Unfortunately, the fact-finding of the soldiers atrocious violence against the innocent women of Gwangju is hard to investigate because of statute of limitations. However, by the hint of the examples of people s tribunal in other countries or international cases, the judgment by default might help arouse the national interest in these unjust acts. The 5ㆍ18 sexual assault, a new demonstration of the human rights abuse, should surely be examined and lead to the true democratization, resembling the former comfort women s efforts to speak about their truth.

Ⅰ. 5ㆍ18 진상규명 노력에 성폭력행위 사건 넣기

Ⅱ. 5ㆍ18 성폭력행위 진상규명 조사현황

Ⅲ. 군사적 긴장 상태 성범죄에 대한 국제법 해결 사례

Ⅳ. 궐석재판 이용 가능성 진단
