The government-dependent private university system, which has been discussed for a long time but not implemented because of the dispute over the budgetary issue, has an opportunity to get activated through the issue of decentralization of government in 2018. In fact, the two movements are related to each other regarding the campaign against the centralization of the capital region. This paper points out what is neglected by most researchers: The problems of the tertiary education is blocked out by those of primary, secondary and post-secondary level; the budget of the college and university education should be linked with that of the preceding steps, which has already been publicized, leading to the necessity of the increase in taxation; the government-dependent private university system should be used as a valid strategy of decentralization based on the balanced development of regions. Besides, the desirable model of this kind of operation can be produced by analyzing the foreign cases. In conclusion, the countries, whose colleges and universities are generally private, show the aspects that are vulnerable to the decrease of the student-age population like the nations neo-liberalistic capitalism overwhelms. As of now, the government-dependent private university system is one of the most advisable countermeasures to the current crisis of the Korean tertiary education.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 비고등교육문제에 가려진 고등교육기관에 대한 오해
Ⅲ. 공교육화된 고등교육 전 단계와 연동한 예산배정과 증세의 필요성
Ⅳ. 지역균형발전에 기초한 지방분권화 방안으로서 공영형 사립대학제도
Ⅴ. 해외사례의 교훈과 공영형 사립대학의 바람직한 모델
Ⅵ. 결론