최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

竝川川流域의 地理的狀況과 天安銅城山城

Geographical conditions of the Byeongcheon basin and Dongseong mountain fortress

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천안 동부의 병천지역은 산간 교통로의 요충지로서 扶蘇門峙를 통한 안성천 유역과의 直路가 있고 진천과는 동성산성 남쪽의 광기천하류-녹동천-용두천을 거치는 東大路와 광기천-수문리-진천으로이어지는 小路가 있다. 청주와는 병천분지 남동부의 고려시대 長池 驛이 존폐를 거쳐 조선시대에 長命驛이 설치되었는데, 광기천·병천천이 합류하는 일원으로 고려시대에도 淸州地였으며 성환역과 함께안성천유역의 서해 연안·내륙지역과 미호천 유역간의 주요 교통시설로서 차령 남북간의 주요 경유지가 되었다. 한편 소금이 주요 거래품목이었던 병천장의 상황은 재화의 공급이 목천·천안·진천을 중심으로 이루어졌고 진천 서부 및 청주 서부 지역민들까지 참여하여, 주변 장시권에서 중심지로서의 면모를 가지고 있었다. 이렇게 천안지역을 비롯한 안성, 진천, 청주 등지와 교통이나 경제적으로 밀접한 근린관계를 가지고 있는 병천분지에 동성산성이 위치해 있다. 최근 조사를 통해 확인된 둘레는 918m 정도로 큰 규모라할 수 있는데 마안형 토축산성으로 백제 한성기 동안에 점유되었다. 주변으로는 시기적으로 병존하는 용원리 및 화성리고분군 등 원삼국시대 이후 유력세력이 지속적으로 근거해 왔음을 보여주는 집단매장지도 확인되고 있는데, 이와 함께 지리적 상황을 고려해 본다면 동성산성은 백제가 차령산맥 이남으로 진출하는 과정에서 배후거점 내지교두보로서 병천분지를 확보하고 능동적으로 지역 통제를 강화하고자 하는 목적을 두고 일정기간 동안 운영되었던 것으로 이해된다.

Byeongcheon area in eastern Cheonan is connected to Anseong in the north direction through Busomunchi and also connected to Jincheon in the east direction through Dongdaero by way of Gwangicheon, Nokdongcheon, and Yongducheon adjacent to Dongseong mountain fortress. It is also connected to Cheongju in the south direction through Byeongcheoncheon. Official road from the watershed of Mihochen (Cheongju) to the coastal areas of the West sea in the watershed of Anseongcheon (Pyeongtaek, Cheonan), the inland area (Anseong), and Seonghwanyeok in Cheonan passed through Byeongcheon basin whose southwestern part was Cheongju-land which had been Jangji-station during Koryo dynasty and Jangmyeong-station during Joseon dynasty. Being compared with the surrounding areas, salt was mainly traded in Byeongcheon basin which can be said to be the inland mountain region. As a result, business zone bound up with Jiksan, Jeonui, and Jincheon was built. And other goods were supplied from Mokcheon, Cheonan, Jincheon and the residents of the western region of Jincheon and the ones of the western region of Cheongju participated in Byeongcheon market. Meanwhile, Baekje setting up the capital in the basin of the Han river made its way into the watershed of Mihocheon crossing the Charyeong mountains after annexing the Mahan Mokgiguk with the Chinese celadon excavated from Yongwonri ancient tombs and Hwaseongri ancient tombs, which shows that some influential forces had existed in the Byeongcheon basin since the Samhan period. Dongseong mountain fortress which was occupied during Hanseong period of Baekje is located in the position where we can overlook Byeongcheon basin which has been a center of transportation and economy in terms of geography and in which the major archaeological materials have been excavated. The mountain fortress is 918m about. And it is made up of the earth, covering two peaks in the north and south directions and it was occupied in the 4th - 5th century when Baekje set its capital in the Han river basin. It is quite good to overlook the southeastern part of Byeongcheon basin (around Jangji-station) and also good to overlook the middle east part of the basin, commanding the view of Seseong mountain fortress located in the center of the basin from the location where Dongseong mountain fortress is located. In short, the occupancy of Dongseong mountain fortress making Jincheon the locational background is determined to have secured the traffic route between the inlands in the coastal areas of the West sea and the watershed of Mihocheon as well as the territorialized Byeongcheon area and Byeongcheon area is considered as a major hotspot and a key position of high stature in terms of geopolitics in considering the transportational and economic situation in terms of geology and the major remains combined with the process of Baekje s territory expansion.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 竝川川流域의 地理的狀況

Ⅲ. 天安銅城山城의 現況과 性格

Ⅳ. 맺음말
