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해방 후 1세대 한국기독교철학자들의 생각(1)

Ideas of the first generation of Korean Christian philosophers after liberation (1)

  • 54

이 논문은 해방 후 1세대 한국 기독교철학자들의 생각을 소개하고 정리하는 데 목적이 있다. 여기에 속하는 철학자로는 김하태, 안병욱, 김형석, 조요한, 최명관, 고범서, 이규호의 7인을 들 수 있지만1 이 논문에서는 우선 앞의 네 철학자를 다룬다. 이들은 1910년대에 출생한 김하태를 제외하고는 모두 3.1만세운동 후인 1920년대에 태어났으며 해방과 분단, 한국전쟁과 4.19과 5.16 이후 3공화국에서 제5공화국에 이르는 군부독재와 산업화를 온몸과 영혼으로 겪은 세대에 속한다. 이들 대부분은 대한민국이 제대로 된 민주주의를 이룩한 1980년대 후반까지 교수로서 활동했다. 따라서 이들에게 철학함이란 역사적 현실의 문제 - 남북분단과 이념대결, 한국 사회의 경제적 발전과 맞물린 개발독재와 민주화의 대립 – 를 기독교 신앙의 입장에서 철학적으로 생각하는 일이었다. 그렇기에 대체로 그들은 크리스천이면서도 정치적으로 보수적인 교회와 갈등을 겪었고 정치와 거리를 두면서도 사회와 정치현실에 대해 신랄한 비판의식을 견지했다. 그러나 그들은 그리스에서 시작된 서양철학을 사유의 도구로 사용하면서도 항상 기독교 신앙을 그들 사유의 출발점이자 대화의 파트너로 삼았다. 그들은 대한민국의 탄생과 굴곡진 발전 과정을 경험하고 바라보면서 기독교에서 답을 찾으려는 시도를 포기하지 않았다. 이제 그들의 생각의 출발점에서 시작하여 귀결에 이르는 과정을 탐구해 보기로 하자.

This paper aims to introduce and organize the thoughts of the first generation of Korean Christian philosophers after liberation. The seven philosophers belonging to this include Kim Ha-tae, Kim Hyung-seok, Ahn Byung-wook, Cho Yo-han, Choi Myung-gwan, Ko Boem-seo, and Lee Kyu-ho, but this paper deals first with the preceding four philosophers. They were born in the 1920s after the March 1st Independence Movement except for Kim Ha-tae, who was born in the 1910s, and were part of the generation that experienced military dictatorship and industrialization from the 3rd Republic to the 5th Republic of Korea. Most of them served as professors until the late 1980s when the Republic of Korea achieved proper democracy. Therefore, philosophy for them was to think philosophically of the issue of historical reality - the division of the two Koreas, ideological confrontation, developmental dictatorship coupled with economic development in Korean society. Therefore, in general, they had conflicts with the Christian and politically conservative churches, and remained at arm s length from politics, but remained scathingly critical of society and political reality. However, while using Western philosophy, which originated in Greece, as a tool for reason, they always used Christian faith as a partner in conversation. They did not give up their attempts to find answers in Christianity by experiencing and looking at the birth and curved development of the Republic of Korea. Kim Ha-tae (1916-2007), a graduate of Yeonhui College of Liberal Arts, earned a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Southern California before liberation, and returned to study at Yonsei University s Theological School. Having re-immigrating to the United States in 1961, he served as the leader of the early Korean community in Southern California, and also presented immigration theology in the mid-1970s. He pursued the encounter of Christian faith and Oriental thought in Modern Man and Religion (1961), Ego and Nothing (1974), and Finding the Real Reality of the Ultimate (2005). Ahn Byungwook (1920-2013) was born in Ryonggang County, South Pyongan Province and graduated from Waseda University in 1943 with a degree in philosophy. In 1958, he became a professor at Soongsil University in 1969 after a week of Sasanggye . He wrote philosophical lectures for the public and many public philosophical books. The uniqueness of his ideas lies in the dissolution of Western existentialism and the Confucian scriptures into Christian faith. He was also involved in the Heungsadan in respect of Dosan Ahn Chang-ho. Kim Hyung-seok (1920–present) was born in Unsan, North Pyongan Province and grew up in Daedong-gun, the same hometown as Kim Il-sung. He graduated from Soongsil Middle School in Pyongyang with a degree in philosophy at Sophia University in Japan. He defected to North Korea in 1947 and worked as a teacher and vice principal at Jungang Middle and High School in Seoul. He served as a professor of philosophy at Yonsei University for 31 years from 1954. Like Ahn Byungwook, he served as a philosopher and essayist, contributing to promoting philosophy to the public. In particular, his essays The Disease of Solitude and The Dialogue of Eternal Love sought to present young people with social ethics based on Christian existentialism in the 1960s and 1970s. He retired in 1985 and has been writing and lecturing since he is over 100 years old. Jo Yo-han (1926-2002) was born in North Korea in the same year, studied philosophy at Seoul National University and graduate school at the same University, and took the path of a typical academic scholar as a professor at Soongsil University.

Ⅰ. 해방 후 1세대 철학자들

Ⅲ. 나가는 말
