최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A Study on Posthumanism in Modern Dance Focusing on the Concept of Mobility

DOI : 10.15519/dcc.2021.
  • 36

This study deals with various phenomena in dance, especially in modern dance, from the perspective of mobility, trends and discussion issues of contemporary dance works in the posthuman era. In order to examine how mobility will change in art and how mobility and art are mutually influencing each other, this article consists of following parts:‘the dance industry viewed from the framework of mobility’ and ‘posthumanism and the trend in modern dance’. In the era of mobility, the transfer of art, people, relationships, information, objects, and technology across borders is also affecting the dance industry. With the development of technology, mobility in the performing arts has brought a major change not only in art works but also in international exchange and distribution of art works. In the post-pandemic era, many performers and artists chose to convey their artworks through digital platforms instead of insisting on in-person live performances. In particular, everything is taking the lead online, and the performing arts world is in a situation where it cannot insist on traditional way of showcasing the work. With the advent of the post-human era, a new wave of work has also emerged in modern dance and the area of technology is expanding to the field of art and the boundaries by genre of art are gradually becoming ambiguous. This study shows the posthuman trend in modern dance by examining how crossing the border of disability and the definition of disability and able-bodied, technology and art as posthuman appears in modern dance.

1. 서론

2. 모빌리티와 무용

3. 포스트휴머니즘과 현대무용계의 동향

4. 결론

