최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Study on the Wooden Pagoda Sites of Goryeo Dynasty in Honam Region

  • 13

호남지역에서 목탑지가 확인된 유적은 靈巖師子寺址·南原萬福寺址·實相寺등 3개소로 이들을 대상으로 平面·基壇·階段·心礎등으로 구분하여 樣相을 살펴보았다. 호남지역 고려 목탑지의 特性은 입지유형과 배치형식, 구조를 통해 검토해 보았다. 사자사지·만복사지·실상사 목탑지는 1탑1금당식이며, 만복사지는 목탑외에 석탑을 둔 별도의 구역이 존재하고 있어 二院竝列式또는 別院式배치였던 것으로 파악하였다. 목탑의 구조는 기단부·탑신부·상륜부로 나누어 고찰하였다. 基壇部평면은 3×3칸, 5×5칸, 7×7칸의 규모로 다양하게 확인되었고, 평면형태는 정방형이 주류를 이루고 있다. 塔身部는 기존의 복원연구를 통해 검토하였으며, 사자사지 목탑지에서 상륜부재가 확인되어 고려 목탑 相輪部의 형태를 유추할 수 있었다. 師子寺址목탑은 10세기경에 건립되어 14세기까지 존속하다 조선전기 이전에 廢塔된 것으로 추정하였다. 11세기 무렵에 건립된 것으로 萬福寺址목탑을 들 수 있으며, 16세기 후반 丁酉再亂때 사원이 폐사되면서 목탑도 함께 폐탑된 것으로 추정되었다. 實相寺목탑은 12세기경에 건립되었다가 14세기말 倭寇의 침입으로 폐탑된 것으로 보았다.

A wooden pagoda site has been archaeologically reported from three temple sites, Saja-sa temple site in Yeongam, Manbok-sa temple site in Namwon, and Silsang-sa temple site in Namwon. These wooden pagoda sites were analyzed in terms of ground plan, stereobate, staircase, and main foundation. Attributes such as size, cornerstone, packed stones for putting cornerstone, and shape were considered in the examination of the ground plan. The sizes of the wooden pagoda sites were as follows: Silsang-sa temple(7kan by 7kan), Manbok-sa temple(5kan by 5kan), and Saja-sa temple(3kan by 3kan). The stereobate was examined in terms of its location and size, and building methods of its exterior and earth. Assembled stone stereobate type(Manbok-sa, Silsang-sa temple sites), building platform type(Saja-sa temple site). Characteristics of wooden pagoda site of Goryeo temple was analyzed examined in terms of location, arrangement, structure. The other temples adopted one pagoda and one Hall type placement. The wooden pagoda consists of three parts: lower (base), middle (body), and upper (head) parts. Along with a bronze piece, possibly a fragment of a flame-shaped decoration, stone materials of upper part were unearthed at Saja-sa temple site. The earliest wooden pagoda of Goryeo was that of Saja-sa temple site built in the 10th century and abandoned in the early Joseon, about 14th century. Wooden pagodas at Manboksa temple sites were built in the 11th century, and they seemed to have been maintained until the 13th or 14th century. Wooden pagodas at Silsang-sa temple sites were built in 12th century. A wooden pagoda at Silsang-sa temple site has been understood to be destroyed by Japanese invasion in the end of the 14th century.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 湖南地域高麗木塔址의 現況과 樣相

Ⅲ. 湖南地域高麗木塔址의 構造와 特性

Ⅳ. 湖南地域高麗木塔址의 性格과 變遷

Ⅴ. 맺음말
