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KCI등재 학술저널

에라스무스 프로그램이 유럽통합에 미치는 영향

Influence of the ERASMUS Program on the European Integration

  • 239

Although the Treaty of Rome, the fundamental law establishing the European Community, did not specify the legal basis for Community action in education, EC leaders have discussed the educational cooperation at European-level since 1950s. They made successive decisions in the field of education, such as establishment of a new DG for Research, Science and Education in 1973, creation of the European action program named JSP(Joint Study Program) in 1976, construction of European educational website called EURYDICE in 1980, and so forth. And they launched the ERASMUS program in 1987 with the aim of increasing students mobility in Europe. The ERASMUS program was successful. Until the year of 2009, more than 2millions Europeans participated on this program. According to transnationalists, frequent personal contact between peoples from different political entities creates a we-ness among themselves, and it makes a favorable conditions for their integration. Surveys of Erasmus beneficiaries proved that students mobility of the Erasmus program made positive contribution to European integration indeed, engaging in the works which need cooperation at the European level: 9% of around 600 beneficiaries worked in their host country after their graduation. about 30% of them frequently used the knowledge learned from host country.

Ⅰ. 서론: 유럽통합과 교육

Ⅱ. 에라스무스 프로그램의 시작

Ⅲ. 에라스무스 프로그램의 발전

Ⅳ. 에라스무스 프로그램과 유럽인의 국제교류

Ⅴ. 결론: 유럽통합운동에 대한 에라스무스 프로그램의 기여
