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KCI등재 학술저널

프랑스 지성의 흐름에서 바라본 비시 프랑스의 ‘새로운 유럽’

‘New Europe of Vichy France in the intellectuals history

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This article is to find out the ideas of New Europe in the Vichy Government(1940-1944) and its origin in the intellectual history. It is necessary to examine the theories of European integration between the World Wars I and II. After the World War I, European integration had focused on conserving the European culture from the menace of the USSR and USA. Paul Valéry as a French famous writer, critic in the Contemporary French Literature warned the crisis of European civilization and proposed the revival of Mediterranean culture. That is to say, Roman culture, Christian culture, Renaissance based on the Greek culture. With these European values, he thought that Europe could have once again a power in the political, cultural dimension. His ideas had a effect for the youngest intellectuals. They were the non-conformist who had rejected the political ideology under the slogan, No Right No Left . In oder to overcome the nationalism and the ideology in Europe, they perceived the necessity of European integration. They published their Reviews for spreading their new ideas among the public. They suggested New Order under the slogan, Spirit Revolution . Ultimately their aim was to integrate European nations in the federal organization. Even if the non-conformist didn t succeed to form the political power, their ideas influenced on the basis of European integration after the World War II. Under Europe of Nazi, the collaborationists and the Vichyste sincerely sympathized with the slogan, New Europe . Because they wanted to be One Europe against the USSR and USA. They thought that two powers could have governed Europe in the political and cultural dimension, that such a phenomenon should bring the crisis of European Civilization. At this point, this thesis on the crisis of European Civilization was in the center of European integration between the World Wars I and II among French intellectuals. Thus, it might be possible that New Europe of Vichy France resulted from such a intellectual background.

Ⅰ. 문제제기: 1940년 ‘새로운 유럽’의 연속성 문제

Ⅱ. 1차 대전 이후 프랑스 지성의 흐름과 유럽통합론

Ⅲ. 비시 프랑스의 ‘새로운 유럽’

Ⅳ. 맺음말
