Toward a variety of integrated European policy direction, it was to examine theimpact of industrial investment in CEE and R&D collaboration within EU. WesternEuropean oriented industry and research and development in Hungary was toilluminate the right relationship of investment in industrial development mutually. The article reviews on current status of CEE how much Foreign Direct Investmentand EU Program Support make an impact against the R&D policy establishment incountries with small economy as Hungary and influenced on substantialindustrialization directly or indirectly, Author investigated with separating thefollowing three stages how may affect these relationship. firstly, Industrializationprocess of R&D in Hungary shortly after step on the state transition, secondly, thestep after joining the European Union. thirdly, Hungary s entry into the euro area innear future. After all, EU R&D program will make a positive impact on CEE sindustrialization with a rich foundation of basic science as Hungary who lackssufficient infrastructures to support financially. However in order to maximize theexpected positive effects, Using the characteristics of each country and region isessential for content development. also utilizing analysis of research results such asthe eurobarometer survey will become indicators in the field on which is required for development. International collaborative research can be found at synergy if being considered R&D plan of each member countries
1. 연구의 시사점
2. R&D정책과 개방과정
3. 과도기적인산업에서 혁신산업으로
4. 중·동부유럽의 과학기술 산업화
5. 서유럽과 중·동유럽간의 산업적 역할
6. 결론