Brussels has an reputation as the Capital of Europe, due to the presence of themain EU institutions and other EU related agencies where most of European levelpolicies are made. The proximity of EU related offices attracts many internationalofficials, lobbyists, businessmen and so forth into Brussels; about 30 percents ofoffices in Brussels are rent to EU related agencies and around 39,000 EU officials livein Brussels. Since the EU enlargement towards central and Eastern Europe in 2004,Brussels is geographically no more located in center of EU territory. But its gravityremains thanks to people to flock into Brussels for handling EU related works. Brussels enjoys enormous added value by the presence of the European institutionsand try to consolidate its status as the Capital of Europe. So long as the Europeanintegration interest public, Brussels status may keep going
Ⅰ. 서론: 유럽의 수도 브뤼셀
Ⅱ. 브뤼셀의 발전
Ⅲ. EU지구의 발전
Ⅳ. EU지구 형성이 지역사회에 미치는 영향
Ⅴ. 결론: 유럽통합의 진전과 브뤼셀의 위상