The aim of this study is analyzing of the role and the influence of Knowledgenetwork in the processes of European Integration. There is no doubt that theKnowledge network is very important to understand about the way of Monnet forrealizing in European Integration, as he say that “not the coalition of the nations, butthe unification of the peoples”. After the fail of the treaty in the EDC (European Defense Community) by theresult of France National Assembly, Monnet endeavored to the European Communitywith the regard of Federalism. He established the Comité d Action pour lesEtats-Unis d Europe in 1955. And He tried to recruit the cross-border politiciansthrough this institution. Most of all the considerable role of this institution wasgathering the knowledge, making communicate each other and spreading theknowledge of European Integration. Finally, this Comité d Action pour les Etats-Unis d Europe of Jean Monnet havehad a major influence on the “rebirth of Europe (relance de l’Europe)” after the failof EDC and on the creation of EEC (European Economic Community) and theEURATOM by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 유럽합중국 행동위원회 설립배경
Ⅲ. 유럽합중국 행동위원회 설립목적
Ⅳ. 유럽합중국 행동위원회와 유라톰(EURATOM)
Ⅴ. 결론