A Study on the relation of Vocational EducationPolicies in Germany and in the European UnionSince 2000Jinyoung Yu*53)This study focuses on the vocational education policies in Germany and in theEuropean Union (EU) since 2000, when the region started to embark on attempts tomake its citizens more competitive and innovative, therefore announcing various newtrials in the field of education. That is, it was decided that the new EU educationpolicy should give each of its citizens an opportunity to be freed from educationaldiscrimination by opening education to all EU citizens and helping improve theireducation levels. Through this new educational policy, young people who graduatedfrom universities or vocational schools can obtain more opportunities to land theirdream jobs and to develop their abilities. This paper deals with not only several declarations such as of Lisbon (2000), ofCopenhagen (2002), of Maastricht (2004), and declaration of Helsinki (2006), butalso a variety of programs such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Grundvig, Cedefop, ETF,ETV, Eures and LLP (Lifelong program). These declarations and programs in the fieldof vocational education had an impact on education policy of European countries. German vocational training has been also changed under these influence. This studyinvestigated these changes and provides us suggestions that the South Koreans canconfidently face the new area of Northeast Asia, the aforementioned new EU education policy can be considered desirable.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 독일 직업교육
Ⅲ. EU내의 직업교육정책과 프로그램
Ⅳ. EU차원의 직업교육 내에서 독일 직업교육의 변화
Ⅴ. 정리: EU차원에서 독일의 직업교육정책이 갖는 의미