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KCI등재 학술저널

헝가리 교육제도의 역사적 고찰

Historical View of Hungary′s Eucation System

  • 49

Historical View of Hungary′s Eucation SystemSang Dong Lee*41)Hungarian education in the Middle Ages was very similar to that of othercountries determined by the European model. The network of monastic orders andtheir schools, however, was slightly weaker than that in the German-Roman Empire. The economical and political role of the towns and the bourgeoisie was weaker too. Surprisingly however, a long period of expansion of education began in the 16thcentury. I am referring to the lessons of the – possibly subjectively written – historyof the thousand-year-old Hungarian education, which may support gettinginformation and choosing values in both millennial preparations and educationalpolicy decisions. The most important thing may be that education, even in the most difficult timesof Hungarian history, was a keeping force, one of the most important institutions oftheir national survival. It is the pledge, and thus evidence of the viability ofHungarian society of all times and responsibility for children and thus future. It follows from the above that education has an invaluable role in modernizationin all times. The prosperous ages of the Hungarian economy and society, when theykept up with universal development or succeeded in catching up with the others,were always preceded by large-scale and successful expansions of education. TheReform Age was characterized by the age of the Ratios and the great developmentof the turn of the 19-20th centuries was determined by the civil transformation basedon the law of people’s education by Eötvös. Referring to remote countries they have a tendency to disregard this decisive experience of their own nation. Education meant a specifically vivid relationship between the peoples of Centraland Eastern Europe and the Carpathian Basin above all, helping the development ofthe national culture of not only Hungarians, but other nations as well.

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Ⅱ. 헝가리 교육제도 천 년사

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