최근 검색어 전체 삭제

훈민정음 제자해制字解의 상수철학과 하도상생 사계절 순환법칙의 고찰

Eastern numeral philosophy and the principle of Hado’s cyclic movement in the Resolution of Hunminjeongeum Creation

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훈민정음의 제자해制字解에는 상수象數철학과 하도河圖 상생의 법칙이 담겨있다. 또한 제자해에서 초성初聲을 천의 법칙, 중성中聲을 인人의 법칙, 종성終成을 지地의 법칙으로 인식하는 천지인天地人의 법칙을 설명한다. 우리는 예부터 천지인을 따로 보지 않고 천지 속의 인간, 인간 내면 속의 천지로 인식했다. 많은 경전에서 설명하는 인중천지일人中天地一, 회삼귀일會三歸一, 집일함삼執一含三의 천지인 합일合一 원리를 설명한다. 이러한 하도 상생의 법칙과 천지인의 원리대로 창제된 훈민정음은 우리 민족의 제1의 보배이며, 전 세계 유례없는 문자이다. 훈민정음의 창제원리를 설명하는 사료 중에 나오는 상수학은 하도 상수학을 바탕으로 나온 것이다. 하도는 약 5500년전 태호복희씨가 천수상天垂象하여 나온 것으로 목, 화, 토, 금, 수의 오행의 법칙과 목생화, 화생토, 토생금, 금생수, 수생목의 원리를 설명한다. 그 원리는 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 사계절 상생법칙으로 순환한다는 것이고 정음정양의 법칙을 설명하고 있다. 훈민정음의 제자원리 중 인을 대표하는 중성이 하도 상생 사계절 순환법칙대로 배열되어있다는 것을 사료 본문내용으로 알 수가 있다. 이러한 하도 사계절 순환법칙을 좀 더 정밀하게 살펴보면서 창제 원문을 하도 상수학, 하도 사계절 순환법칙의 도표로서 설명하고자 한다.

Hunminjeongeum is a Korean character which explains the philosophical background and principle of the meaning of creation and establishing letters through the spirit of Sejong for the people. Hangeul is globally known as a scientifically well-made character system by many scholars all over the world. The main principle of Hunminjeongeum creation is based on Hado s laws of the heaven, earth, and human, the laws of nature, and the laws of cyclic movement. However, the philosophy and meaning of the creation of the characters had been undervalued. It has been dismissed falsely and treated such that it had been confirmed by few unknown Confucian scholars. The significance of Hunminjeongeum is that it is created based on the laws of heaven, earth, and human. Each character is formed with sound structures of initial, middle, final part; initial and final letters work as a consonant while middle letter works as a vowel. Hence, the sequence consonant-vowel-consonant works together to be a character, as a mother-son relationship . In other words, these vowels and consonants are beneficially combined to each other like a mother and a child. Through the sequence of Sangseang, the principle of the vowels helping the consonants was created with the studies of Sangsu in Hado. Initial and final letters refer to the heaven and the earth; middle letter refers to human being. This draws that the human being has to be formed in harmony -within Sangseang structure- of the heaven and the earth. The vowel sees with the flow of Sangseang while the consonant sees with the sequence of initial letter and final letter can be interpreted into two meanings. This is very basic fundamental that vowels, a role of mother, guide and bring the sounds of consonants, a role of son. This fundamental is based on the significant philosophy of humanity of a mother and a child relationship ; the beneficially connected relationship -Sangseang- also applied to each letters including vowels and consonants in Hunminjeongeum. These vowels, the meaning of the human, and the consonants, the heaven and the earth, are mutually connected, in a Sangseang relationship. Therefore, the relationship between these vowels and consonants is made based on a philosophical principle that the vowel, representing the human, becomes a middle consonant which brings the initial and final consonants, representing the heaven and the earth, together in harmony, in order to make a real sound. Things should not be interpreted too much or explained solely on one s own when they are in middle of a process of analysis and discussion. It is even more important when especially the topic requires deep understanding of Eastern philosophy. In this regard, it should be more careful because this idea comes to deal with understanding intangible states and explaining the images of the universe. Therefore, the interpretation of it has to be based on the numbers when explaining the images. In fact, it is clear that the vowels from the text of Hunminjeongeum were arranged with the numbers of Hado s law based on Sangsu. This arrangement of the number is not just artificially made by unknown scholars. Thus, when studying Hunminjeongeum, the true meaning of the text can be comprehended only with the full knowledge of Hado s Studies of Sangsu. Sang is the image referring for an invisible sign or an omen that has no revealed form, and Su, the number, is referring to mathematics as a concept that supports and secures Sang, the image. This is why Eastern philosophy is so called as Studies of Sangsu. Following the image, Sang, is mostly invisible to all humans who have lost their brightness and, in fact, it can only be seen by certain saints and holy man with pure souls. The action of taking such deep into an image, Sang, and looking at it is called Chwi-Sang. The word Chwi-Sang and Sang are used multiple times in the text of Hunminjeongeum.

Ⅰ. 서론-훈민정음 연구의미와 방법

Ⅱ. 훈민정음 제자해의 상수 철학

Ⅲ. 결론- 하도의 상수학과 훈민정음 상수학 비교고찰

Ⅳ. 맺음말 및 참고문헌
