최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Q 13.34-35에 나타난 이스라엘의 구원에 관한 연구

A Study on the Salvation of Israel in Q 13.34-35

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The purpose of this article is to reveal the original intention of this statement by examining the context and theology of the Q community that exists behind Q 13.34-35. Accordingly, this article proceeds in the following order. Chapter 2 first examines the situation of the Q community through Q s two attitudes toward Israel. Q s warnings of judgment toward Israel influence the interpretation of Q 13.34-35. After introducing such an interpretation, based on this, the context of the community behind Q 13.34-35 is revealed. Next, Chapter 3 introduces The Deuteronomistic history as the theological perspective of Q 13.34-35. Through the Deuteronomistic history, we will review the Q community s response to the current situation and what solutions it has sought. And Chapter 4 deals with another theological point of view, ‘tradition of the remnant . This will show how the Q community in persecution of the Jews has changed their expectations for Israel. And in Chapter 5, we end with a conclusion by synthesizing the previous discussions. The prophets and those sent forth in Q 13.34-35 are clearly the remnant of Israel. Just as the wicked generation killed Abel and Zacharias, so they also killed the prophets and those who were sent, the remnant God sent to Israel. The result of this refusal was the tragedy of the abandoned house of Israel. Through this remnant ideology, the Q community identifies themselves with the blood of martyrdom shed by Abel and Zacharias and at the same time identifies with your house , the abandoned house of Israel, while accusing the Jews of rejecting Jesus as the remnant of Israel. Q Emphasize the fact that the community is the only faith community that can achieve God s salvation. Hence, Q 13.34-35 must be understood once again in the context of Q as a remnant tradition, along with the Deuteronomistic history. Q 13.35b cannot be simply interpreted as simply a hope for the Jews, or a conditional prophecy. The coming of the kingdom of God when all Israel is converted simplifies the situation of the Q community. This is because in the background of these words are the lives and actions of the remnant of Israel that are realized through the memories and experiences of the persecuted community.

1. 서론

2. Q의 이스라엘에 대한 두 가지의 태도

3. Q 13.34-35와 신명기 사관

4. Q 13.34-35와 남은 자 전승

5. 결론
