최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Q 복음서, 유대교와 기독교의 잃어버린 연결고리

Q Gospel, The Lost Link Between Judaism and Christianity

  • 38

Q The Gospels are a “missing link” between Judaism and Christianity. The Q Gospels have their roots in Judaism and are in continuity with Judaism. Q The Gospels are based on the Hebrew Bible. The Q Gospels were greatly influenced by the apocalyptic literature of early Judaism and are located in the genealogy of apocalyptic literature. The origins of Jesus and the Q community should be seen as having their origins in the movement of John the Baptist and the Baptist group among the apocalyptic literature groups derived from Hasidim.

1. 들어가며

2. 히브리 성서(구약성서)와 Q복음서

3. 초기 유대교와 Q복음서

4. 나가면서
