The purpose of this paper is to investigate the features of the verb cwu- and the syntax of the cwu- construction. The verb cwu- appearing in the [-e cwu-] construction has been analyzed in various ways, for instance, as a functional head and as an auxiliary. However, we found that the verb cwu- in such a construction has lexical properties and there exist the cwu- constructions which behave the same as serial verb constructions in Korean. Focusing on the lexical features of the verb cwu-, we propose to classify cwu- into two types: a lexical verb and an auxiliary. Furthermore, we examine the characteristics of the syntax of serial verb constructions and auxiliary verb constructions in Korean and argue that the lexical cwu- forms a serial verb construction, and the auxiliary cwu- forms an auxiliary construction respectively. This paper provides a more economical way of explaining the cwu- construction by merging it into two constructions that already existed. Furthermore, by re-establishing the syntax and semantics of serial verb constructions and auxiliary constructions, we also provide an integrated discussion on Korean multi verb constructions.
1. 여는 말
2. ‘주다’ 동사의 특징
3. 한국어의 [V1-어 V2] 구문
4. ‘주다’ 구문의 통사 구조
5. 영어의 이중 목적어 구문과 ‘주다’ 구문: 소유주 해석을 중심으로
6. 주다3과 한국어의 [V1-어 V2] 구문
7. 맺는 말