Physical activity and exercise is an important step in the journey of a healthy lifestyle. It reduces the risk of developing many diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. In today’s world, we spend most of our time sitting in front of a computer or mobile phones for work and entertainment. This is one of the leading factors in a lack of physical activities and thus a decrease in the fitness level of many individuals. In this paper, we design a mobile 2D platformer game where progress inside the game world is dependent on physical activity in the real world. The game has two modes namely adventure and story mode. This design can motivate people to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The physical activity monitoring is done solely through the pedometer of a smartphone held by the user while playing the game. The number of steps walked by the user determines the number of revives inside the adventure mode of the game. There are three levels in the story mode which are unlocked by walking more than a certain number of steps in the real world.
1. Introduction
2. Related Research Work
3. Problem Definition
4. The Proposed Methodology
5. Prototyping
6. Evaluation
7. Conclusions