최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

문화전파와 사회변화로 본 술의 인식 변화 고찰

A Study on the Change of the Perception of Alcohol in Terms of the Cultural Transmission and Social Change: Centered on the Literature of the Chinese Character Culture

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2020.13.2.1
  • 171

In this article, based on the Chinese literature data of Chinese character culture, I examined the symbolism and change of alcohol awareness and examined the usability as cultural contents. As a result, alcohol was manufactured by the Chinese royal family and the Dugang during the reign of King Ha dynasty. It was found that alcohol was drunk at that time through the tales of King Dongmyeong, etc., related to alcohol, rather than the manufacturing method. In Japan, alcohol seems to have spread culturally in Baekje. In the early days, alcohol was used as a gift for Jongmyo, Jehyang, Jinmun, and Haja, but it gradually symbolized monarchs and virtues. Social exchanges became more complicated, and along with the spread of culture among regions, alcohol gradually changed its perceptions as exchanges, entertainment, disease treatment, and means of escape from reality. Today, the trend of cultural contents as a health food rather than favorite food can be examined due to the extension of life and the increase of the elderly population.,Today, alcohol tends to expand its function to treatments such as disease treatment and mental and physical stability.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 사회변화와 문화전파로 본 술의 인식 변화

Ⅲ. 나가는 말
