심리운동의 전체론적 개념과 융복합성 고찰
A Study on the Holistic Concept of Psychomotorik and the Aspect of Convergence
- 조선대학교 국제문화연구원
- 국제문화연구
- Vol.14 No.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.06
- 43 - 64 (22 pages)
The upcoming scientific technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution after the pandemic of COVID 19 cannot replace the interaction of human mind and body. The research of psychomotricity in Korea, however, has been done in a way separating psychology from motricity, which has made the disorganized and fragmented state of this academic domain. This paper reviews the original and philosophical concept of psychomotricity by looking into its history from a holistic angle and referring to the preceding material from European countries including Germany. This article study the holistic tradition of Europe emphasizing the human social nature, the function and contents of psychomotricity, and Laban s analysis of movement. Next, the noncompetitive and voluntary attributes of Ernst Kiphard s psychomotor theory is discussed. All this review leads to pursuing the convergence of psychomotricity by consolidating all the related academic information and knowledge with providing the examples of application. Lastly, this paper argues that the research range of psychomotricity should be expanded into the area of therapy besides education by inviting all the efforts related to the interaction between mind and body for developing the human welfare.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 심리운동의 개념과 이론
Ⅲ. 키파드 심리운동 이론의 비경쟁성과 자발성
Ⅳ. 심리운동의 학문 간 융합·매개성과 응용사례
Ⅴ. 결론