최근 검색어 전체 삭제

리브레토 작가 무소륵스키와 동란의 문화

  • 24

This paper is research notes about Modest Mussorgsky’s historical operas Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina as an expression of complex and characteristic cultural phenomena in Russia in the 1870s. This study focuses on the historical insights of Mussorgsky and the characteristics of the Mussorgsky s libretto. Mussorgsky s view of art was largely formed through close exchanges with a critic Stasov and ‘the Mighty Hanful’s activities. These two operas are different from the conventions of general historical operas of the time. And they are not just operas based on historical events, but operas containing thoughts about history. Mussorgsky s view of history in these operas should be considered in connection with the motif of apocalypse. A closer look at Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina will be find the Mussorgsky s pursuit of true Russia, probably included his ahistorical thoughts.

1. 리브레토 작가 무소륵스키

2. <보리스 고두노프>, <호반시나>와 ‘동란’의 시간

3. 무소륵스키 오페라의 현대성

