«Припадая к стопам в.и.в. …», или «… Нету почты, чтобы Сумароков меня не бомбардировал письмами…»: Взаимоотношения А.П.Сумарокова и Екатерины II через призму «письма царю»
- 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소
- Acta Russiana
- 제13호
- 2021.06
- 39 - 78 (40 pages)
Letters by A.P.Sumarokov to Catherine II fit into the genre of «Letters to Tsar». In 31 letters, distinguished by their autobiography, the empress highlighted 12 topics related to the life and work of the writer. In comparison with similar examples of the genre of «Letters to Tsar» of the XIX century, it is necessary to note the biographical nature of the letters written in the XVIII century, the combination of «high» and «low» themes in them. We analyze in detail each of the topics we have identified in the context of Sumarokov s life and work. Among the stylistic features of letters, we should also note their stylistic features that require special analysis, are quoting their own works and quoting the Holy Scriptures.