최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Intention to Use Digital Banking Services of Young Retail Customers in Vietnam

DOI : 10.13106/jafeb.2021.vol8.no8.0387

The object of this article is to assess the factors affecting the behavioral intention of young retail customers to use digital banking services in Vietnam. In this article, multivariate data analysis techniques including Cronbach’s Alpha, Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), Structure equation model (SEM), and Bootstrapping are used to analyze the data collected from 525 young respondents under the age of 35 who are using or having opportunities to experience digital banking services. The people taking part in the survey were mainly University students with incomes of most of them under VND 5 million. The result from the analysis illustrates that (1) perceived ease of use positively affects intention to use, (2) social influence positively impacts intention to use, and (3) customer support has a positive impact on the intention of young people to use digital banking services. While technology self-efficacy, convenience, and perceived security were found to have an impact on intention to use services in former studies, the influences of these factors on intention to use digital banking services are found insignificant in this research. From these results, the author provides implications for commercial banks to increase the intention to use digital banking of young people in Vietnam.

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Research Methods

4. Results

5. Discussion and Managerial Implications

6. Conclusion and Limitations
