There are various ways of forecasting methods on real estate market and price in korea. First, there is forecasting methods by fundamental concept of real estat. Second, there is forecasting methods by experience of the past. Third, there is forecasting methods depend on present condition of demands and supplies. Fourth, there is forecasting methods depend on develope process of real estate policies. Fifth, there is forecasting methods depend on changes of key factors of economical & social factors that affects real estate price Of these methods, this study has predicted changes of the future real estate price through changes of key factors economical & social factors that affects real estate price. and choose key economical & social factors that is populations, householder, economic growth, consumer price inflation, currency issuance, and interest rates. There are certain rules between these factors & real estate price. The consequence is that it is proportionate relationship between changes of populations, householder, economic growth, consumer price inflation, curressuance and real estate price but it is in inverse proportion betweem interest rates and changes of real estate price. Therefore, if the factors of populations, householder, economic growth, consumer price inflation, curressuance increase, real estate price will decrease. And if interest rates increase, real estate price will decrease. We can predict long and short-Term changes of real estate price on the basis of these rules. This analysis is based on correlation between factors of populations, householder, economic growth, consumer price inflation, curressuance, interest rates and real estate price, and precondition is other factors are constant.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구검토
Ⅲ. 부동산가격의 변화 추이 및 상관성 분석
Ⅳ. 주요 경제 사회적 요소와 부동산 가격과의 상관관계 분석 및 부동산 가격의 예측
Ⅴ. 결론