After the「Yongsan 4th district redevelopment」incident in last 2009, system improvement for smooth project promotion of public projects is being carried out like amending Law on Urban Improvement 4 times etc. on ‘09.5.27, ‘09.8.11, ‘09.8.13, ‘09.12.1 but the reality is that endless compensation conflict lies hidden. This study positively analyzed reasons for complaint of Tenants and importance of public project compensation factors using AHP model in the reality that Tenants are collectivized, politicized and have social distrust because of public projects. The analysis result of AHP model showed that variables with high importance of compensation factors play important roles in raising ratio of compensation agreement. Also, 74.5% of reasons for complaint was shown as ‘inexpensive compensation’ and 55% ‘moving measure’ and therefore, the compensation system needs to be improved as soon as possible.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. AHP Model 분석
Ⅳ. 분석결과