최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국의 부동산 거래세제에 관한 비교연구

A Comparative Study of Real Estate Transfer Tax Laws Between Korea And China

  • 6

It has been twenty years since Korea and China established full scale of diplomatic relationship. China became a number one trading parter of Korea and the amount of trading volume isgoing to be bigger than ever. Both countries made cross-investment each other and in many way other than trading. Ever since China s income level grew rapidly from its rapid economic growth, Korea expect Chinese invest in Korean real estate market directly more in near future. There is a fundamental difference of real estate tax system between two countries. Under socialistic economic system, Chines government is sole entity to own land and provide only user right . Government regulates owning land and buildings and there are limits to own and use real estate for foreigners. After the Foreign Currency Crisis of 1997 Korean government discarded mostly discrimination to own and use domestic real estate for foreigners. As Chinese income level grows fast, China invest more and more to Korean real estate market and Korea still need properties in Chinaas manufacturing facilities. In this research, Real Estate Tax system broken into two parts: property taxes and transfer taxes. and compare and analysis the tax code of each division and try to find the reason of the difference and its implication. As a conclusion, Korean real estate tax system has a strong political inclination so modifications were frequent on mainly by governing parties political character and macro economic situation. China needs a real estate infra structure like appraisal system, specific distinction betweenreal estate tax and public due or expenses. In near future, a new property tax should be adopted.

I. 서론

II. 취득세의 비교

III. 양도소득세의 비교

IV. 결론 및 시사

