The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that influence the price of Apartment. The study was done in following process. First, relevant theories and preceding studies were examined. Second, Data base was organized for Dependent and Independent Variables. Third, Frequency Analysis and Correlation Analysis were accomplished. Fourth, Regression Analysis was accomplished for analyzing factors that influence the price of Apartment. The result of analysis shows that among the variables representing the characteristics of location of apartment, Gangnam School District 8 or not, distance from subway station, proportion of apartments in administrative district (dong), and proportion of apartments in residential area had statistically significant influence on the price of apartment; and among the variables representing the characteristics of apartment complex, exclusive use area, age, and parking capacity also had statistically significant influence on the price of apartment. The variable such as age and distance from subway station had negative influence on the price of apartment, and the rest of variables had positive influence. In the aspect of significancy, the variable of Gangnam School District 8 or not is the most significant, followed by that of distance from subway station.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. 아파트가격 결정요인에 관한 실증분석
Ⅳ. 결론