Recently, as the house lease and monthly rental fees have risen and many colleges have been built in Seoul and the capital area, college students are having much difficulty in looking for a room or house, as well as neighborhood residents around colleges. Therefore, building a new college dormitory has become the main construction business of every college as a way of strengthening its college competitiveness and improving educational environment. It has, however, been noted that the newly-built dormitories brought a conflict with neighborhood residents and such a conflict seems not to easily end between colleges and their neighbors on the new dormitory construction. There is not much material about the new dormitory construction of colleges, especially, about the conflict around college areas. This study was conducted to verify the awareness of the factors of the new dormitory construction and the conflict with neighborhood residents through an empirical analysis of those factors. In this study, it also suggests that the building vacancy rate around colleges can be lowered in stages by identifying the conflict with neighborhood residents owing to the new college dormitory construction and that colleges and the government might utilize the financial support policy about the public dormitory construction to solve the issues of high dormitory expenses and building vacancy around colleges. From a result of statistical analysis through a survey, it is understood that the area around Seoul Campus of KyungHee Univ. has potential demand for a new dormitory and that a new dormitory should be built to solve the deterioration of the existing one. And it could be the most effective solution for colleges to purchase or directly lease the buildings around colleges as dormitories, in order to settle such a conflict between the interested parties by new dormitory construction. It is necessary that the government act as a go-between to settle the conflict between the colleges and community residents (renters) and that a conference group be organized in which the interested parties of a college and community residents regularly participate as a way to gather the opinions of residents around the college area.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 대학기숙사의 문제점 및 신축관련 주민갈등 유형
Ⅲ. 이해주체별 대학기숙사 신축에 대한 갈등 요인
Ⅳ. 이해주체별 인식차이
Ⅴ. 결론