최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

교사교육의 반성과 모색

The reflection and groping of teacher education

일반적으로 교육을 위하여 언급되는 세 가지 요소는 ‘교사’와 학생‘과 ’교육내용‘이 있다. 본문에서도 제시하였지만, 이 중에서 가장 중요한 것은 교사이며, 특히 교육자로서의 전문성을 겸비하고 동시에 하나의 신앙인으로서의 경건성이 갖추어진 훈련된 교사이다. 지금 각 교단의 교회교육은 나름대로의 커리큘럼을 개발하여 과거보다는 교육의 내용이나 방법에서 진전된 모습을 보여주고 있다. 문제는 아무리 좋은 교육과정이 있다고 하여도 이것을 실제로 소화해 내고 가르치고 학생들과 씨름을 하여야 할 사람이 다름아닌 교회학교의 일선교사들이라는 사실과 바로 그런 점에서 교사들을 양육하고 훈련하는 일이 무엇보다도 급한 과제로서 우리에게 다가온다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 이런 현실을 고려하여, 교회가 오늘날 안고 있는 여러 가지 문제점을 해결하기 위한 하나의 대안 내지는 제안으로서 교회 교사교육의 문제를 역사적이고 교육목회적인 관점에서 성찰해 보았다.

Among well­known sayings is there a word that quality of education cannot exceed quality of teacher. It means that there are so many elements, which affect quality and success and failure of education, but the most important element is the quality and ability of teacher. This kind of viewpoint also can be applied to church education. In other words, teacher determines the quality of church education, and the quality of teacher is dominated by teacher education. Churches in Korea, which see the second century of Christianity introduction into Korea, recognize the importance of teacher education and practice a various teacher education through a various education program like a small­sized education in a small part of a local church, a large­scaled education of a local church, inter­church education programs organized by lay believers?organizations, and teacher education by the education department of General Assembly. When we look back upon bygone days, teacher education in Korea was performed from the very earliest days of the introduction of Protestantism into Korea, although all the situations of teacher education were not so favorable at those days. However, these days church education faces a serious crisis. Although externally the present difficulties of church education can be depicted as the decrease of student church members and stagnation of church growth, internally the problem is explained as the weakening of student and teacher? passion of faith. This article deals with the problem of church teacher education in a historical and education­ministerial point of view as an alternative or a suggestion in order to solve various difficult problems which Korean churches nowadays are facing. First of all, there are four well­known difficult aspects of teacher education, which are respectively education purpose, education content, education method, and education evaluation. First, we can pinpoint the indistinctness and absence of teacher education? purpose, because concrete purpose of teacher education is very important for education program planners, education program operator, and learners, etc. Secondly, relevant to education content, there exists no distinct difference between a primary grade, an intermediate grade, and an advanced grade. Today there are no such concrete and specific characters in the process and content of teacher education, but only very general and uniform characters. Also the content of education only leans toward the development of specialty of teachers without considering all other elements. Thirdly, teacher education which has been performed in a local church so far in relation to education method was an unilateral education curriculum which excludes fairly the opinions and demands of teachers as substantial beneficiaries of teacher education in the whole course of education. They were demanded to play important roles as deliverers or messengers, who deliver the facts that they learned in all education processes. Finally, in relation to education evaluation, teacher education programs are often executed once or several times per every year in order to adjust supply and demand of the number of teachers. So it is necessary to examine programs continuously, and in this aspect evaluation is indispensable, but there is no longer sincere reflections about it. On the basis of such previous discussions, I would like to introduce some new constructive suggestions for a substantial development of teacher education. Firstly, church teacher education program should have a clear purpose and object in order to train Christian believers to be sincere faithful teachers who have both professionalism and piety as church educators. Secondly, church teacher should be an expert as well as a faithful believer. So education should be performed in order a believer to have both characters, and further especially the concrete subject matter of education to nurture piety should be necessarily included.

Ⅰ. 시작하는 말

Ⅱ. 교사교육의 역사v

Ⅲ. 교사교육의 반성

Ⅳ. 교사교육을 위한 제안

Ⅴ. 맺는 말

