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KCI등재 학술저널

오순절 교육신학에서의 교육현장 이해

Understanding of Educational Context at Pentecostal Theology of Education

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오순절 교육신학의 현장은 현대 기독교 교육학자들이 주장해 온 가정, 교회, 학교, 사회를 넘어서서 하나님의 말씀이 선포되어지는 선교의 현장이라고 정의하고, 이러한 선교의 현장은 선교의 차원을 넘어선 선교 공동체, 증인공동체로의 전환이다. 그리고 이러한 선교공동체, 증인공동체는 크리스토 프락시스이어야 한다. 이러한 관계 속에서 오순절 교육신학의 현장을 구체적으로 치유와 희망, 용서와 자유, 해방과 능력주심이라는 주제를 가지고 여섯 가지 현장을 기술하였다. 즉, 용서의 현장, 권위(勸慰)의 현장, 화해의 현장, 해방의 현장, 성화의 현장, 능력주심의 현장이다. 이것은 결국 오순절 교육신학의 현장이 그동안 교회학교에만 관심을 가져온 것을 넘어서 하나님의 말씀이 선포되는 선교의 현장과 선교 공동체의 지향을 주장하는 것이다. 그리고 이러한 선교공동체는 예수 그리스도의 프락시스가 실행되어지는 크리스토 프락시스의 공동체가 되어 크리스토 페다고지가 수행되어 가는 역동적인 현장임을 주장하고 있는 것이다. 또한 이러한 교육현장에 대한 인식 변화는 그동안 오순절 신학이 비판받아왔던 개인주의적이고 기복적이며, 역사 도피적인 신학에서 이제 개인과 사회 모두를 긍정하고 포용하는 교육신학으로의 모색인 것이다.

The purpose of this research is to inquire into pentecostal theology and to present theology of education in order to make pentecostal theology into theology of education. Theology of education is a new scientific suggestion to establish the foundation for Christian Education. In general pedagogy, philosophy of education belongs to the scientific field covering a metaphysical understanding, an epistemological understanding, establishing values, an human understanding and language issues supporting all the educational activities, while theology of education is a scientific term covering all the issues including the translation based on the Bible, a understanding of God, an understanding of humanity, the purpose and methods of education and the spot, where Christian Education is proceeded, supporting Christian Education and all the Christian activities. Relations between pentecostal theology and pentecostal theology of education are following:First, theology determines Christian Education. Second, education chooses theology. Third, education and theology are combined each other scientifically. This research is to make pentecostal theology into theology of education assuming the relationship between Christian Education and theology as the third type. As part of the process in a theological self­examination, this scientific activity is to study not only the relationship between Christian Education and theology but also its relevance to cultural circumstances, church life and human thinking and to self­examine critically contents, the pertinence and the legality in the Christian Education which is accepted and delivered traditionally. Accordingly, in this research I would consider the foundation of church history in pentecostal theology, which is the basis of pentecostal theology, the creed in the Korea Assemblies of God and the context named ‘the church of the Korea Assemblies of God’, which is the spot to practice pentecostal education. We have already known that pentecostal theology of education is needed immediately in the church of the Korea Assemblies of God. As of the Year of Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the order, some say that it is needed to establish theology of education urgently to grow the order fully, though it is not discussed actively. Considering the suggestion that it is needed to make dogmas into theology to let people recognize and to educate dogmas of one order, on which theology of education in the order is established, if pentecostal theology of education were not established, the theological foundation in Christian Education in this order would not be formed, which is the same with becoming Christian Education in the order without education philosophy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discuss the relationship between pentecostal theology and theology of education in order to make pentecostal theology into theology of education from modern Christian educational scholars’ perspective and to establish contents to make pentecostal theology into theology of education in new millenium, which is why I have studied the theme.

A. 들어가는 말

B. 현대 기독교교육학자들의 교육현장 이해

C. 오순절 교육신학의 교육현장

D. 맺는 말

