최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Problemorientierter Religionsunterricht und Symboldidaktik:Alternative oder Ergänzung?

In the currently exposed academic papers about the history of religious education in Germany it is often postulated that the problem oriented religious education and the symbol didactics stay in an antagonistic relation to each other. But the assumption that the ethical agenda of the former and the aesthetical impulses of the latter should be exclusively chosen is not able to be accepted any more. In the dialogue with Peter Biehl, one of the most influential religious pedagogues in Germany, we reach the insight that the cooperation of both models is not only possible but also necessary in front of the current challenges in the practice and the theory of religious education. A purely ethical and socio politically oriented education or a radical emphasis on aesthetical dimensions in the religious learning process will not suffice. The research on the interplays of the problem oriented religious education and the symbol didactics will lead to the various possibilities that the aesthetics and ethics one another.

Ⅰ. Problemorientierter Religionsunterricht und sein Einfluss auf die Religionsdidaktik

Ⅱ. Verschiedene Entwicklungen der Symboldidaktik im Verhältnis zum Problemorientierten Religionsunterricht

Ⅲ. Wege zur Verschränkung von Symboldidaktik und Problemorientierung

Ⅳ. Ausblick

