밀 육종소재 개발을 위한 식물 형질전환과 정밀육종 기술 현황
Current Status of Precision Breeding Technology and Plant Transformation for Development of Wheat Breeding Material
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.53 No.3
- : KCI등재
- 2021.09
- 250 - 265 (16 pages)
Wheat transformation was first initiated in 1992, and several studies were conducted to increase its efficiency; however, a verylow probability of less than 0.3% was achieved. In 2011, the EU Commission announced a new plant breeding technology that modifiesthe DNA of seeds and plant cells to develop new varieties with desired characteristics. With the commercialization of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology,a site-directed nuclease technology, the possibility of its application in agriculture has increased with the rapid development of the technology. Recently, genome editing studies have been conducted in wheat, and they have been used for the functional analysis of genes related tovarious agricultural traits. The wheat full-length genome information was released in the form of a draft sequence in 2018, belatedly in comparisonto other crops owing to allohexaploidy and a large genome (17 Gb) size. The recent pre-harvest sprouting resistance wheat breeding materialdeveloped in Japan suggests that it is possible to rapidly develop breeding materials through precision breeding technology. Finally, it isnecessary to systematically achieve the goal of optimizing agricultural traits of crops through precise breeding technology to increase thebreeding accuracy of allohexaploid wheat and rapid genetic fixation using the reduction in generation technology.
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