지역별 국산밀 재배 현황 및 원맥 특성 평가. I. 국산밀 재배 농가의 지역별 재배 현황 조사
Current Regional Cultural Situation and Evaluation of Grain Characteristics of Korean Wheat. I. Survey of Production Practices in Korean Wheat Cultivar Growers by Region
The cultivation situation of Korean wheat of 175 farmers in nationwide for two years, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, was analyzed to obtain basic data for extension cultivated area and enhancing the self-sufficiency ratio of Korean wheat. Compared to the mean temperature and precipitation in the normal year, the mean temperature was lower before the heading stage and higher amount of precipitation after the heading stage in 2010/2011 and higher the mean temperature and lower amount of precipitation after the heading stage in 2011/2012. Average cultivation career and area were 7.7years and 2.4~3.3ha, Keumkang cv. was mainly cultivated for two years and Jokyung and Baekjoong cvs. were increased cultivation areas in southern part of Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeolllanambuk-do and Kwangju metropolitan city, including in 2011/2012. Most farmers (144) sown wheat seeds from late October to the beginning November with broadcasting method and the other famers were sown using the drill method. Average amount for basal fertilizer was 29.7 kg/10a with complex fertilizer mixed for wheat and barley cultivation, which was higher amount compared to recommended rate of fertilizer amount by rural development administration. Top dressing using nitrogen fertilizer was applied from in the late February to the beginning March. Heading date was the beginning May in 2011 and the late April in 2012, which the mean temperature from regeneration stage to tillering stage in 2011 was higher than that of 2012. Most farmers harvested wheat in mid-June and Pre-harvest sprouting and Fusarium head blight were occurred in 2011 due to th
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