최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

조사료 단백질 함량 증진을 위한 트리티케일과 콩과작물 혼파 효과

Effect of Mixed Seeding between Triticale and Legume crops for Increasing Protein Contents in Forage

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2014.59.4.521
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This study was conducted in the central northern area that has a smaller production of winter forage crop compared to the southern areas, in order to identify the optimal mix of seeding, mix ratio and seeding method. The results showed that among the mixed seeding of triticale and crimson clover, the mix of triticale+crimson clover, mixing ratio is 8:2 (w/w), had the largest dry weight of 1,462 kg/10a, which was more than either single seeding of triticale or crimson clover. Although there were no total quantity differences between different mix ratios, there were differences in quantity between sowing types with broadcasting seeding is more than in narrow strips seeding. In forage value of mixed seeding combination, crude protein contents in single seeding of crimson clover showed the highest value at 17.2%, and in single seed of triticale showed the lowest at 7.4%. In mixed seeding combination the crude protein contents were highest in triticale+crimson clover, mixing ratio is 7:3 (w/w), at 9.0%. The mixed seeding between triticlale and legume crops will helpful for increasing forage value.

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